QuakeCon® (“QuakeCon”) is a family-friendly event and the safety of all guests is the top priority. To ensure that everyone has a good and safe time, QuakeCon will feature new security measures and this updated Code of Conduct. All QuakeCon attendees must review and agree to this Code of Conduct prior to entering QuakeCon.

If you have questions about, or to report a violation of, the Code of Conduct, please contact [email protected]


QuakeCon attendees must be at least 18 years of age or, if the attendee is not 18 years of age (a “Minor”), a parent or guardian will accompany the Minor at all times during QuakeCon. Through participation in QuakeCon events, attendees will play or be involved with M‐Rated, or Mature‐Rated, computer software games (with the M‐Rating designating an industry rating of suggested play for individuals 17 years or older) (the “QuakeCon Games”). Additionally, other attendees may bring individually-owned computers to QuakeCon, and may not display objectionable content thereon, including content deemed not suitable for minors.


QuakeCon tickets are non-transferable and are non-refundable. Each BYOC ticket is valid for one (1) person and one (1) computer/console at QuakeCon. With each ticket, you receive a table space and a chair, plus admission to QuakeCon.

Anti-Harassment Policy

Bethesda Softworks LLC (“Bethesda”) is dedicated to providing a QuakeCon conference free of harassment and intimidation based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation or preference, gender identity, genetic information, or any other characteristic protected by federal, state, or local law. Harassment of any kind is strictly prohibited at QuakeCon.

Harassment includes, but is not limited to:

  • Offensive verbal comments related to gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, nationality, age, or religion;
  • Written or graphic material denigrating an individual or group;
  • Repeated abuse of another – bullying;
  • Sexual images in public spaces;
  • Threatening, intimidating, or hostile acts, including stalking or following;
  • Harassing photography or recording;
  • Sustained disruption of talks or other events;
  • Inappropriate physical contact;
  • Unwelcome sexual attention; and/or
  • Advocating for, or encouraging, harassing behaviors.

Weapons Policy

For the safety of attendees, security measures at QuakeCon will include the use of metal detectors, hand wands, and bag checks prior to entry into the QuakeCon event areas (the “Event Areas”). Uniformed and undercover security and police will be present at all times throughout QuakeCon to assist and protect attendees.

QuakeCon is a private event, and, in accordance with local and federal law, attendees are prohibited from bringing weapons of any kind into the Event Areas. Bethesda reserves the right to require any attendees with weapons to immediately leave the Event Areas.

Prohibited Items

For all events, firearms, or other weapons, ammunition, self-defense sprays (e.g., mace or pepper spray), laser pointers or any other item which may be used to create a visual distraction, fireworks, explosives, or any flammable liquid are not permitted. Any attendee found to have violated the prohibited items list may be removed from the event at the discretion of the event staff.

Attendees are prohibited from wearing full face masks when entering the venue. Medical grade (pre-approved) face masks are allowed. To safeguard our guests, certain items may need to be checked. The following items may not be brought into the QuakeCon event area:

  • Aerosol cans (e.g., mace, pepper spray, hairspray, etc.)
  • Air horns
  • Animals (Service Animal exception)
  • Binoculars
  • Coolers with loose ice (ice packs ONLY)
  • Cycles
  • Fireworks
  • Glass
  • Illegal drugs
  • Glass
  • Large bags (duffle bags, suitcases, etc.)
  • Laser pointers
  • Megaphones/Noise amplifiers Noisemakers/Horns
  • Recreational equipment (Skates, Skateboards, etc.)
  • Signs larger than 24” x 24”
  • Smoke bombs
  • Tripods
  • Unauthorized solicitation, handbills, giveaways, or sampling
  • Umbrellas
  • Vapes, vape pens, vaping, E-Cigarettes
  • Video or audio recorders
  • Weapons of any kind

Asset Tagging & Replica Weapons

All replica or prop weapons brought to the event must be inspected and tagged with an orange indicator, such as an asset tag. Security personnel will ensure that approved replica/prop weapons are appropriately tagged. Guests with approved and tagged replica/prop weapons will be instructed to always keep the orange tag visible during their stay at the event.

Upon re-entry to the event premises, security will conduct an inspection of the replica/prop weapon and ensure the orange tag is still attached and visible, and no modifications have been made to the replica/prop weapon.

Anti-Violence Policy

Any form of violence or threat of violence towards another person while at QuakeCon will result in the attendee’s immediate removal from QuakeCon. Violence will not be tolerated.

Illegal Drugs Policy

Illegal substances are not allowed at QuakeCon. Any attendee who is caught buying, using, or dealing illegal drugs while at QuakeCon will be immediately reported to security and/or local law enforcement in accordance with all state and local laws, and the attendee will be subject to expulsion from QuakeCon.

Alcohol Policy

While working, no staff member may possess, consume, sell or be under the influence of alcohol while on QuakeCon premises or working a QuakeCon activity or event. No one under the age of 21 shall possess or consume alcoholic beverages at any QuakeCon activity or on property owned or leased by Bethesda at any time.

Anti-Theft Policy

Theft of any and all kinds is strictly prohibited at QuakeCon. Any attendee who is caught stealing may have his or her QuakeCon badge revoked, be expelled from future QuakeCon events, and be reported to security and/or local law enforcement.

Anti-Cheating Policy

Cheating of any kind will not be tolerated at QuakeCon. All attendees must follow all rules and regulations when engaging in both friendly and competitive gameplay.

Code of Conduct Violations

In Bethesda’s sole discretion, if an attendee violates any of the policies or rules in this Code of Conduct, he or she may be removed from QuakeCon, have his or her badge revoked, be permanently expelled from QuakeCon and all associated events, and/or reported to show security or local law enforcement.

If You See Something, Say Something

It takes a community to protect a community and we all play a role in keeping QuakeCon safe. You witness any of the above prohibited and/or illegal issues or anything suspicious, please report the incident(s) to security, and/or local law enforcement. It's easy to overlook routine moments, but as you’re going about your day, if you see something that doesn't seem quite right, say something. By being alert and reporting suspicious activity, we can all help keep our event safe and fun. Security and EMT are in the Longhorn Foyer outside of Hall E. You may also contact [email protected].


If you are showing symptoms of any illness, please refrain from attending the event. If you are showing signs of any respiratory illnesses, we encourage you to stay home until you are symptom-free for at least 24 hours AND have been without a fever (without using fever-reducing medications) for 24 hours.

Once you can resume normal activities, we encourage taking additional preventive measures for the next 5 days to curb the spread of disease. These measures include improving air quality, enhancing hygiene practices, wearing a well-fitting mask, maintaining distance from others, and getting tested for respiratory viruses.